
Take your next steps as a Columbia College Chicago student.

祝贺你被全球赌博十大网站录取! 我们很高兴欢迎你的到来. You can keep up to date with everything you need to know on your way to enrollment via 哥伦比亚连接. Eligible students will also receive a financial aid award letter. 我还没有收到这个? 填写你的 FAFSA 考虑奖项).

When you're ready to make your decision, you can let us know on 哥伦比亚连接. We'll also post ways to engage with Columbia like our signature Admitted Student Day events where you'll get to see our campus, 见见你们未来的老师和同学.

已提交订金? The checkilist items below will give you a sense of what lies ahead, but always remember that 哥伦比亚连接 is your most up-to-date source of information for enrollment steps.


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不能来学校吗? 没关系!

We've planned several web-based events 和 presentations designed for you to find out if Columbia is the right place for you. )我们希望如此!)了解我们的学术部门, 财政援助选择, 和 everything else you need to know to make your decision. 登录哥伦比亚连接注册!


  • 被录取的学生
  • 本科生

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Schedule a one-on-one conversation with your 招生 Counselor. They can answer all of your questions about how to become a Columbia student - 和 what to expect about life on camups once you get here.


  • 被录取的学生
  • 本科生



  • 考虑你的资金来源

    如果你收到 经济援助授予信, you may need to submit additional documentation to secure the financial aid you have been offered. 看看你有没有遗漏的文件要提交, 登录你的MyColumbia门户网站, 选择MyFinancials选项, 然后在“文件丢失”下面找."

    You may also wish to use additional resources to pay for your education. Make a list of the third-party resources you have available, 比如你的工作收入, 529年计划, 退伍军人福利和雇主报销. Compare these funding sources to your costs to determine if you will need to 贷款或注册一个 付款计划. Columbia offers low-cost 付款计划s that allow you to spread your educational expenses over the term or the academic year.

    For more information about meeting the cost of your Columbia education, visit 科勒姆.edu/wheretostart.

  • 检查你的全球赌博十大网站邮箱

    Office 365是全球赌博十大网站的官方学生邮箱, 和 we'll use it to send critical information about registration, 你的学业进展, 经济援助奖, 校园活动, 还有更多.

    请注意: 直到你第一天上课, continue to check both your personal email 和 your sudent email to make sure you are receiving all necessary communications.

  • 申请住房

    Take a look at Columbia College Chicago's housing options.

    The hosing application for students starting in fall 2023 will be available in early April.

    After you decide to enroll 和 make a deposit to confirm your attendance, 你应该填写一份住房申请. 学生 must submit a $500 prepayment when they apply. We expect new freshmen 和 transfers to live on campus their first year. See floor plans 和 photos 和 apply for housing—which is offered on a first-come, 根据购票 科勒姆.edu/residencelife.

  • 提交AP和IB成绩
    官方 跳级国际学士学位 考试成绩将被视为大学学分. Please request official score reports for Columbia College Chicago through the testing agency.
  • 提交你的最终成绩单

    If you are currently enrolled in high school or a college or university, you must submit an official copy of your final transcript to 招生. If you are submitting a high school transcript, it should include a graduation date. A college or university transcript should include final grades for the last term you were enrolled.

    Late transcripts can complicate registration, financial aid, 和 payment for your first semester.


    600 S. 密歇根大街.
  • 提供你的免疫记录

    Illinois law requires that all students born on or after January 1, 1957, who enroll at least part-time (6 credit hours or more) must prove that they have immunity from certain communicable diseases: COVID-19, 白喉, 破伤风, 麻疹, 风疹, 和腮腺炎. Proof of immunity must be on file at the institution the student is currently attending.

    If you do not have a complete immunization record on file by the end of the eighth week of your first semester (not including the Summer semester) a registration hold will be placed on your academic record, 和 you will not be eligible to register for the following semester. 找出 把你的唱片寄到哪里.

  • 注册课程

    New undergraduate students can start the registration process by completing their 登记 Questionnaire (RQ). The RQ will be available on 哥伦比亚连接 for deposited students starting in mid-April. The information you provide here will help your advisor create the right schedule for your first-semester at Columbia.

    当你的日程安排好了, you'll receive an email notification asking you to log onto 哥伦比亚连接 和 acknowledge receipt of it. Once you have your schedule, you are free to make changes in consultation with your Academic Advisor.


Admission to Columbia College Chicago is offered for a specified term of entry. 学生 who are offered admission to Columbia but are unable to enroll in the specified term of entry may request to defer admission for up to one year by contacting 招生 at 312-369-7130 or admissions@科勒姆.edu. 将根据具体情况给予延期.